10th Bipartite Wage Revision Arrears Calculator Excel Download

10th Bipartite Wage Revision Arrears Calculator in Excel  – Download utility for calculating the hassle free arrears since 01-11-2012. The 10th Bipartite Settlement for bank employees are finally completed and the scale of Pay along with other salary related components are changed upward.

After the settlement this is the most daunting task to calculate the arrears of salary to be paid from 01-11-2012. It required a large number of data for calculating the arrears accurately.

I have created an excel utility for Wage revision based on 10th Bipartite settlement. This utility is very easy to use and calculate the arrears of salary automatically. Users needed to provide only the Old and New Basic salary.

Viewers may download the Wage Revision Excel Utility from below link. Feedback Welcome.

[button color=”green” size=”medium” link=”http://www.rajmanglam.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Officers-Revise-Salary-arrear-Calculator-.xls” target=”blank” ]Download Arrears Calculator[/button]

  1. dear sir,
    i am a bank officer under suspension.accordingly,my basic 25700 is of 9th bps while the DA while was 110 or so earlier is shown to be 42.6 percent as on 29 2 2016.how to get the corresponding old value?

  2. 11th Bipartite calculation excel sheet sir , is it ready

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